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The images below are available for members, Field Staff and the media to download for use in print and web projects. Please select the appropriate size image for your project. Descriptions of download types are below.
PRINT USE The print image resolution is 300 PPI, with an approximate width of 7" across.
WEB USE The web image resolution is 72 PPI with an approximate width of 5" across.
PROFESSIONAL USE The professional image resolution is 300 PPI, approximately 10" across and available in TIF format. If you are not a professional with a fast internet connection, use one of the other file types for faster loading times. Please contact us for other file formats. Members and chapters may not use the artwork on this page on any item intended for sale.
Notice of Copyright and Condition for Using Logos
These logos are protected by United States and international copyright laws. Chapters, volunteers, and Field Staff have a limited right to use these logos for TOPS-related purposes. These logos may not be used on any fundraising or for-sale items without the express written consent of TOPS Club, Inc. By copying or downloading items on this page, you are agreeing to our Photo, Logo and Media Policy (PDF).
Download for print, web or professional
Download for print or web
Download for print, web or professional Please note that TOPSi images may not be used on any advertisements or signage. TOPSi is for internal use only.