What to know before you renew
- Online renewal is only available for current full-priced members and eligible half-priced same-household members. Members with a half-price visual impairment membership may call TOPS Headquarters to renew over the phone or renew at chapter. Members wishing to redeem coupons or vouchers for memberships must renew at chapter.
- Memberships must be renewed one at a time.
- Any additional member residing at the same physical address is eligible to receive half-price membership. To convert one of the members in your household, or to ask about the option, call us at (414) 482-4620.
- TOPS Headquarters staff is available to serve you Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Central Time.
* Members renewing after their due date may miss one or more issues of TOPS News. TOPS will not send free copies of magazines missed due to late renewal. Half-priced members don’t receive a separate issue of TOPS News.