TOPS® Quick Facts

A nonprofit weight-loss support group founded in 1948

TOPS Headquarters Milwaukee, WI

TOPS® (Take Off Pounds SensiblySM) is the short name for TOPS Club, Inc., the original, nonprofit, noncommercial network of weight-loss support groups. TOPS offers tools and programs for healthy living, wellness and weight management, with exceptional group fellowship and recognition. 

TOPS Quick Facts


To help and support our members as they take off and keep off pounds sensibly.


To be the best weight-loss support choice for people who want an active and healthy lifestyle.


To help everyday people become healthier so they can do more of the things they enjoy with the people they love.

How It Works

Weekly meetings include private weigh-ins and professionally prepared informational chapter programs featuring current nutrition, fitness and wellness information. Programs provide positive reinforcement and motivation to adhere to healthy eating and exercise programs. Online option available.

TOPS connects people of all backgrounds (many of whom cannot afford expensive commercial programs) through our network of weight‐loss support groups. TOPS provides free and subsidized educational resources and realistic strategies that are evidence‐based and proven effective for weight loss and improved health outcomes. TOPS empowers people to stop dieting and start creating healthy, enjoyable lifestyle habits that will work for them over the long haul.


TOPS members (women, men and children ages 7 and older) can be found in thousands of chapters across the United States and Canada. New TOPS members may choose one of three discounted packages. Annual renewal dues are $37 in the U.S. and $49 in Canada. Chapters may charge nominal fees to cover operating costs — usually $5 per month in the U.S. and $8 in Canada. 

KOPS® (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly)

Goal weight is set in consultation with a member’s licensed healthcare professional. Members at goal weight are called KOPS and maintain their goal weight by continuing to attend meetings for accountability and support as they Keep Off Pounds SensiblySM. About 15,000 members are keeping their weight off and many have Century Awards for losing more 100+ pounds!


TOPS publishes a lifestyle guide featuring practical information on nutrition, fitness, behavior changes and healthy living -- new iteration coming soon! Members also receive the My Day One quick-start guide for weight loss as well as a subscription TOPS News magazine, which features inspirational stories and health news. Wellness brochures and Healthy & Active magazine are available to healthcare professionals and others interested in healthy lifestyles.

Experts and Research

TOPS works with experts in the fields of medical research, nutrition, fitness and psychology. Since 1966, TOPS has supported obesity and metabolic research. Our partnerships with major universities have yielded important insights into this complex, chronic disease and its comorbidities, including diabetes and heart disease.

Fabulous Figures

TOPS members collectively lose tens of thousands of pounds annually. See our Fabulous Figures & Obesity Statistics handout for statistics by state and province.


Founded in 1948, TOPS is administered by its president, Rick Danforth, with oversight from the Board of Directors. Nearly 500 Field Staff assist volunteer chapter Leaders and chapters. 

Contact TOPS Headquarters

4575 South Fifth Street, PO Box 070360, Milwaukee, WI 53207

Call us at 800-932-8677 or 414-482-4620, or email us. TOPS is open weekdays from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Central time.

Find a Meeting to locate a chapter near you!

Last updated January 1, 2022