It’s time to get active and make a difference! Join us in TOPS Fights Obesity, where every step, stretch and move counts. We're on a mission to combat obesity, and we need your energy to get us there!
Pick Your Move: Choose any activity you love. Whether walking, dancing, swimming, playing a sport or any sort of movement, it all counts!
- Don’t forget, an exercise waiver is needed for TOPS group activity.
Set Your Goal: Aim for something personal and achievable, like walking a certain number of miles, completing chair exercises or even stretching every TV commercial. You decide what feels right for you.
- Once you know your goal, fill out the logistics side of your pledge sheet. Download your pledge sheet here.
Raise Those Funds: Ask friends, family, neighbors, colleagues or even strangers. Every pledge goes towards funding obesity research, education and prevention programs. Clarify your goal and timeline to your sponsors; take however long you need.
- Be sure to have your sponsors fill out your pledge sheet. Donations can be made by credit card here or by check. Any donations over $25 will receive a free TOPS Fight Obesity T-shirt. There’s more information down below!
Get the Word Out: Share your journey on social media with #TOPSFightsObesity. Show off your progress, inspire others and let everyone know you're moving for a great cause.
Celebrate Your Success: Hit your goal? Awesome! Send in your pledge sheet and checks* to Headquarters and keep moving!

Sponsors can donate via credit card online or by check. All checks should be made payable to TOPS Club, Inc. No cash donations will be accepted; any cash donations must be converted to checks.
Any sponsors who pledge $25 or more will receive a free T-shirt as a thank you. If they donate online, they should send their T-shirt size to
For check donations, there’s a spot on the pledge sheet for their shirt size, and we’ll mail it out once we receive your pledge sheet.
Mail your pledge sheet* and checks to TOPS Fights Obesity, PO Box 070360, Milwaukee, WI 53207.
*If all your donations were made by credit card and you don’t have any checks, you do not need to send in your pledge sheet.
**If you provide your email address, we will send you a receipt for your tax-deductible donation
Obesity rates are climbing, with more than one billion people affected by this disease worldwide, every one in eight. But at TOPS, we believe in the power of community and movement to turn the tide. For over 75 years, TOPS has been at the forefront of obesity prevention, research and education. Your participation continues this legacy.
So, how do these donations actually fight obesity? Your participation not only supports your own health journey against obesity through movement, but your sponsorships will also fuel vital support and research at the Obesity and Metabolic Research Program at the Medical College of Wisconsin and Obesity Canada Research. This research helps to educate communities on the causes of obesity and effective ways to prevent it.
Now let’s lace up those sneakers, grab those resistance bands and show the world what TOPS Nation can do! Together, we can fight obesity and make a lasting impact.